New Perspectives on Latin American Documentary Film

This symposium on New Perspectives on Latin American Documentary Film will feature invited filmmakers and film scholars from the U.S. and Latin America. Documentary filmmaking has a strong tradition and a special status in Latin America, and its impact can be traced worldwide over almost six decades. Reflecting the social, cultural and political challenges of the region in the late twentieth century, perhaps its most salient characteristic has been its intense focus on the cultures and traditions of indigenous peoples, woman and underrepresented and marginalized populations.

There will be morning and afternoon screenings on the first two days, with a lunch break in between and an evening reception, each preceded by an introduction by the filmmakers and followed by both a question-and-answer session and a final round table.

This event is also sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the University Center for International Studies, and the University Library System. To register, click here. For more information, click here or contact Karen Goldman at


Thursday, March 31, 2016